In this release Cosmos includes the following improvements:
- Added Notifications for Report Run Failures in the Portal and Report Preview Mode
- Improved User Interface for When Reports are Deleted or Imported from the Gallery
- Admins Can Force a Report to Be Checked Back in From a User
Added Notifications for Report Run Failures in the Portal and Report Preview Mode
We have improved visual input for our users by adding failure notifications in both the Cosmos Portal and when a report is run in Preview Mode in Excel. Now, if an error occurs when a report is running the users are shown an improved message so the user is aware.
Improved User Interface for When Reports are Deleted or Imported from the Gallery
Based on user feedback, we have improved the user interface for when reports are being deleted or when a report is being imported from the Report Gallery. Now, when the user clicks the button to perform the action the user will see a progress spinner appear in the button to let the user know that the action is in progress and complete.
Admins Can Force a Report to Be Checked Back in From a User
There may be times where a user has checked a report out for editing but then the user is unavailable to check it back in, such as if they are out on vacation. Based on user feedback, we have added the ability for a user with the Administrator role to force the check-in of a report that is checked out by another user. When the admin does this, any changes made by the previous user are discarded and the report is checked back in and made available for check-out for other users.
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