Report security enables you to create reports and share them with certain users in the organization. This provides an easy way to control which users will see which reports when they log in. This article covers how to set up and configure report security.
Adding Users to Report Security
Removing Users from Report Security
Managing Security for All Reports as an Administrator
Report Security Overview
Report security enables Report Editors to control which users will see which reports when logging in to the Cosmos Portal. If a user is not assigned access to a particular report, that user will not see the report when logging in.
Once a report is assigned to a user, the report will be visible to the user immediately if they are logged in to the Cosmos Portal without them needing to log back in. Additionally, anyone who has been assigned the role of Report Editor and has had a particular report shared with them will be able to check-out the report to edit it as well as manage security for the report.
When a new report is created, the Report Editor that created the report will automatically be added as the only user assigned to security for the report until they add additional users.
Adding Users to Report Security
To manage security for a report and add users, you will log in to the Cosmos Portal and navigate to the Reporting section. You will then see a list of all reports that you have been added to. To manage security, first click the "..." in the lower-right of the report card and then click the Security menu.
You will then see a list of all users that have been added to the Cosmos Portal and which ones currently have access.
To give additional users access to the report, check the Access box to the right of each user. When a user is added there will be an icon that appears in the Modified column to let you know which permissions have been modified. You can also search for users, if there are many Cosmos users in your organization, but using the Search bar at the top.
If you would like to add all users, you can click the Select All button at the bottom to automatically check the Access box for all users.
Once you have made the desired changes, you can click the Save button at the bottom of the window which will save the changes and close the window. If you decide not to make any changes you can click the "X" in the upper-right corner of the window to close it without saving any changes.
Removing Users from Report Security
To remove a user from having access to a report, you will go into the Security menu for the desired report and uncheck the Access box for the user. When a user is removed from a report the report will no longer be visible to them when they are logged in to the Cosmos Portal.
In addition, when a user is removed from a report, Cosmos will clean up all reports runs, archived reports, and any versions of the report that are currently checked out by the user. It is important to note that once these report runs are deleted, they are no longer recoverable. You will be shown a warning whenever a user is set to be removed from report security, so you are aware of this; the warning is shown in the screenshot below.
Managing Security for All Reports as an Administrator
If a report is removed for all users, or if the only user that has security assigned to a report is deleted from Cosmos, there is still a way to manage the report without it being stuck in a state where nobody can see it since nobody has security assigned.
If a Cosmos user has both the Report Editor and Administrator role assigned to them, when they go to the Reporting section, they will see all reports in the system and will be able to manage security for all reports. This way, you can go in and assign access to a report to other users in case the only person that had access to the report is removed from Cosmos or leaves the organization.
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