The Data Model Extension Gallery provides a quick and easy way for users to get started with Cosmos. The Extension Gallery contains a number of pre-built data models that can be loaded for your organization's Cosmos tenant. This article covers how to see the available items in the Extension Gallery and import them for your organization.
To access the Extension Gallery, you must first check out the data model. To do that, click on the Check Out button.
Then click the Gallery button in the Extensions section.
A window will open showing the items in the Extension Gallery.
There is a "Shared Tables" extension which includes tables that the other extensions rely on, so this extension should always be imported. Clicking the Import button will import the extension into the Data Model section.
Once an extension has been imported, the Import button will show a checkmark and then go back to saying import. This is to allow the use of multiple BC data sources. If a new BC data source is added, the user would just need to go back into the Gallery and click Import on all the extensions again. This will then connect the two BC data sources together allowing Cosmos to pull the data from both sources and consolidate them into one data model.
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