Cosmos comes with several pre-built Power BI Templates and Power BI Reports (dashboards) to get you started quickly with Power BI. This article will cover how to download these Power BI templates and connect them to your Cosmos data.
To leverage the pre-built templates and dashboards for Cosmos, you must first install the Power BI Desktop from the Windows Store. You can then download the desired templates and/or dashboards from our Support Site and then open them in the Power BI Desktop.
To open the PBIT (Power BI Template) files, open the Power BI Desktop and then navigate to File -> Import -> Power BI Template. You can then point to the file that you downloaded from our Support Site that you would like to open.
If you are prompted to log in, you will select Organizational Account from the list on the left and then sign in with your Microsoft credentials:
Once you have entered your Microsoft credentials you will then click the Connect button. You will then see Power BI creating the connection to your Cosmos data and importing the data into the Power BI report.
Depending on the volume of data in your system this may take several minutes. Once the data has finished loading you can save the Power BI report as a standard PBIX file and then add data visualizations and publish the finished version to your Power BI tenant where it can then be shared with the appropriate users.
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