When working with Range Lists it is common to need to insert additional rows or columns to accommodate additional information that needs to be added to the report.
This article will cover how easy it is to do this with Cosmos, since Cosmos will adjust the size of Range Lists automatically when additional rows or columns are added.
When working with Range Lists, if the user needs to insert additional rows or columns (such as to include additional fields in the report) Cosmos will automatically update the region of the relevant Range Lists when the rows or columns are inserted.
Inserting Additional Rows or Columns
In the example below a simple report has been created to return a list of customers, information about each customer, and their sales.
The region of the Range List returning these customers is A2:D2 as shown below, which encompasses all the fields in the report above. To highlight a Range List's area click on SELECT for the specific Range List.
The user would like to insert two new fields after City, so they have gone in and inserted two columns between City and Sales.
Without the user needing to do anything else, the Range List was also updated automatically by Cosmos, making it easy to adjust the report without needing to go back and change or review any functions.
As you can see in the example below, the Range List now covers the region from A2:F2 where it was previously set to A2:D2.
Deleting Rows or Columns
The same behavior occurs when the user deletes rows or columns from existing Range Lists. If the user deleted one or more columns, for example, Cosmos would decrease the size of the Range List so that the user does not have to go into the functions and adjust them manually.
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